Sunday, January 25, 2009

Changes for 2009

I've decided that this will be a good year to make some changes in my studio and my buying habits...I'm determined to use up the paper and craft supplies I already have and NOT buy new stuff. Period. I have to keep deleting 'sale' e-mails that come through the post and ignore the coupons and like from Jo-Ann's -- some of the sales are so good, though -- but, I just keep reminding myself that I already have a least one of {---} (you fill in the blank and I'll find it!). I figure that rather than try to set up too harsh or hard a goal (such as not buying supplies for a whole year), I will do this month by month. So far, so good. No new craft supplies have entered the door to my studio or my house... AND, I'm working on organizing the mess (which, of course, has resulted in a greater mess!). Arghhhhh.

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